No Bold Claims, We Help Realtors Get More Deals.

Prequalified buyer/seller real estate leads on auto pilot

Results That are Evergreen

And yes, we work on pay on results basis

More Annual Deals

The best part is... if you don't get any new deals, We don't get paid , As we work on pay on results basis

Quality Over Quantity

Goodbye to the tire kicking "I'm just browsing types" Our systems are designed to acquire leads that are genuinely committed, Know who you are, and are ready to speak with you!

"The onus is on me"

About Me

Hi, I'm Julian Marcus, the founder of Real-T-Flow. I help realtors get more deals – plain and simple. No bold claims. I specialize in online lead generation, focusing on quality leads that actually know who you are and genuinely want to speak to you. I work on a pay-on-results basis, and if you don’t get what you’re promised, you don’t pay a penny.

The risk is on me, meaning I have a fire lit under my backside to get the job done.

Now, you’re probably skeptical, currently squinting your eyes and rubbing your chin to figure out if I’m full of it.

But let's say, for a minute, you like the sound of this and want to learn more.

If you do, you can use the link below to schedule a no-pressure demo call where we’ll show you how it works. I pull the curtains back on my systems, and even in the worst-case scenario, you'll learn something to implement yourself.

Dedicated to my clients’ success

Leads with actual intent to speak with YOU

We only bring you pre-qualified leads who are genuinely interested in working with you.

Risk Reversal

If you don't receive the promised results, there's no charge whatsoever. The onus is on me, and that fuels my determination to deliver on the job.

Honesty and transparency

committed to providing you with honest and transparent marketing services. You can trust us to deliver real results without resorting to deceptive tactics or bait-and-switch strategies.

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